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Пользователь: nokiani
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Дата: 20.03.2009 14:19
Формат тикетов по V24
станция 4400 enterprise, релиз 8
настроил выгрузку тикетов в реальном времени на v24
теперь вопрос: где взять расшифровку полей, что какое означает?

Пользователь: whistler
IP-адрес скрыт
Дата: 20.03.2009 14:30
Re: Формат тикетов по V24
accview -l

Anything's possible. Keep thinking.

Пользователь: et
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Дата: 20.03.2009 14:32
Re: Формат тикетов по V24
Основные поля и так понятны. Те, которые непонятны, можно посмотреть командой accview -l.

Пользователь: nokiani
IP-адрес скрыт
Дата: 21.03.2009 14:09
Re: Формат тикетов по V24
Приведу пример выходных данных:

|Subscr. |Name |CCN |Date |Duration |Cost |VSACMFR |C|

|Trf. Sub|Called number |P|Code |PNI |SBNode|TKNode|TGN |Trunk|C|C|


|#661620 |#661620 | |0903211157|000:00:00| 0.00| |0|

| |87212478157 |P|------------| 0|000001|000001| 0| 77|B|A|

По указанной команде (accview -l) я не нашел должного описания. Мне нужны описания имеено данных полей.

Пользователь: whistler
IP-адрес скрыт
Дата: 21.03.2009 15:40
Re: Формат тикетов по V24
Extended format

Output is in the form of a table of 2 lines of 80 characters.

Extended format accounting ticket

The accounting ticket field description takes the following characters into account:

any alphanumerical character from 0 to 9 and A to Z, plus * and #,

any numerical digit from 0 to 9.

User gives the number of the ticketed subscriber directory number (8 digits).

Name gives the subscriber name if it is reognized by the system (16 characters).

Cost cent indicates the cost center, if configured (10 characters).

When this field is left blank, it is filled with "space" characters.

Date indicates the date and time of the end of communication (yymmddhhmm) (10 characters).

Duration indicates communication duration (hhh:mm:ss) (9 characters).

Charge Units indicates the value of the number of units and the equivalent cost of the communication (9 characters).

VSACMFR for additional services (8 characters). Letter displayed:

V if the call is VPN (I: ISVPN, V: VPN (overflow)),

S if ARS is enabled,

A if abbreviated numbers are used (C: Central, I: Individual),

C if the link has on line accounting (I: when init., D: during the call, F: at the end of the call),

M if mini-messaging is used,

F if call forwarding is enabled (O: on busy, R: on no-answer, I : unconditional),

R if the call is re-routed.

C 1 indicates the routing table corresponding to an operator (1 character). Character displayed:

O not specified,

A routing table number 1,

B routing table number 2,

J routing table number 10,

N.Trsf. gives the number of the subscriber who has transferred the communication (8 digits).

Number dialed/received displays the external dialed number. This field can contain the caller number in case of i/c ISDN communication with caller identification. If the whole number or only a part of it is masked, the hidden digit is replaced by the character "-" (20 digits).

P indicates whether the communication is personal, normal, for professional requirements or guest (1 character) . Letter displayed:

P personal communication,

N normal communication,

B business communication,

G communication made by a guest.

Code (12 digits) gives:

the business account code for business calls,

the personal identification number for private calls,

for other cases, this field is empty.

Af. indicates that the communication is for business and gives its account number. If different from 0, business communication with display of business number index between 1 and 255 (4 digits).

NNA gives the node number (3 right digits) and the number of the subscriber sub-network (3 left digits).

NNJ gives the node number (3 right digits) and the number of the trunk sub-network (3 left digits).

NGJ indicates the trunk number used (0 to 127) (4 digits),

JO. indicates the trunk number used (5 digits).

C 2 gives the type of communication (1 character). Letter displayed:

A not specified,

B voice,

C data.

O informs the user of the reception mode (1 character) and takes the following values:

A for public-local outgoing calls,

C for private network-local outgoing,

D for local-network calls,

E for public-local incoming calls,

G not specified,

H for private-public network outgoing calls,

I for private-private network outgoing calls,

J for public-private network incoming calls,

K for private-private network incoming calls,

N for private-local incoming calls.

это кусок доки Internal Applications > internal accounting > functional description

Anything's possible. Keep thinking.

Пользователь: nokiani
IP-адрес скрыт
Дата: 21.03.2009 17:24
Re: Формат тикетов по V24
Спасибо за ответ! Только это кусок из доки какой версии?

Пользователь: whistler
IP-адрес скрыт
Дата: 21.03.2009 22:30
Re: Формат тикетов по V24
есть во всех, начиная с 4.2 и до 8.1, только в разных местах. раньше я привел ссылку из старой доки, в более новой это же самое буква в букву лежит по пути:
system documentation > administrator manuals > general applications > internal accounting > operation 1

ищите - и вам все откроется.

Anything's possible. Keep thinking.

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