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Пользователь: fedoseevka
IP-адрес скрыт
Дата: 22.08.2007 14:31
обновить лицензию на 4760
Подскажите пожалуйста,как обновить лицензию на 4760(юзеров добавили).В станцию новые ключи влил,4760 синхронизировал,сервер перезагружал,все равно ругается что мало юзеров,хотя по ключам нормально все

Пользователь: fedoseevka
IP-адрес скрыт
Дата: 22.08.2007 14:57
Re: обновить лицензию на 4760
Вроде нашел

Extending the OmniVista 4760 license
The applications available and the maximum number of users allowed in accounting
management depend on the license installed on the server.
The license is a coded file, nmc.license, located in the %inst%\4760\etc directory, where
%inst is the OmniVista 4760 installation directory.
If you need to install a new license on the server, follow this procedure:
- Warn clients that the server will be shut down and temporarily unavailable.
- Shut down the NMC service Manager via the 4760 Service Manager utility
(Start>Programs>Omnivista4760>Tools> Service Manager) Startup takes a few minutes.
- Check that extensions of known files are not hidden (using display menu from Windows
- Rename the current nmc.license file as nmc.license_old.
- Copy the new license file to the 4760\etc directory. The rights specified in this new file are
automatically granted to the server.
- Restart the machine.
- Inform clients that the OmniVista 4760 server has restarted.

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